French Major

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The Department aims to help students develop French proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing. In addition, the students are expected to acquire specialized knowledge in French linguistics, literature and culture. The Department offers courses that include French Intensive Reading, Advanced French, French Grammar, French Listening, Oral French, French Extensive Reading, French-Chinese and Chinese-French Translation, French Linguistics, An Overview of France, Selected Reading in French Literature, A History of French Literature, An Introduction of French-speaking Countries, Appreciating French Films, French Writing, Business French, and Tourism French.


The department also provides activities and guidance for students to present French culture in diverse forms such as French songs, French plays, and speeches and debates in French. Undergraduate students are supposed to apply for schools in French-speaking countries to pursue master’s degree, finding employment positions in government offices, research institutions, universities and enterprises.

Contact Us

Add: School of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Lanzhou University,
West Donggang Road, 199, Lanzhou, Gansu, P. R. China, 730000
Tel: 0931-8912270
Fax: 0931-8912270