English Major

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As a secondary discipline program affiliated to foreign language and literature, the English major program offers bachelor and master degrees.


The educational goal of English program is to enable students to acquire knowledge in western culture and skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating so as to become qualified for positions in teaching and research institutions, government divisions, companies and corporations that employ English personnel. Some graduates are trained well enough in academic research to apply for higher degrees. In the meantime, we lay great emphasis on students’ humanistic qualities as well as sense of social responsibilities.


Usually we provide a 4-year program for students applying for a bachelor’s degree in English language and literature. We also exercise a flexible length of shooling in which students are allowed to achieve their study intermittently. But students’ stay in the university should not exceed 8 years.


160 credits are needed for a bachelor’s degree.


We provide such key courses as Intensive Reading, Advanced English, Interpretation, English Linguistics and English Literature, etc.

Contact Us

Add: School of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Lanzhou University,
West Donggang Road, 199, Lanzhou, Gansu, P. R. China, 730000
Tel: 0931-8912270
E-mail: shitr@lzu.edu.cn
Fax: 0931-8912270